DF Desolation Wikia

This is a function of the Organic Refinery building, which consumes the Green Cap, Silver Cap and Obsidian Cap underground crops. All of the following reactions also need catalyst caps, and use Alchemy labor.

The Crops[]

  • Green Cap: GD 1250, V3 drink
  • Silver Cap: GD 3500, V5 drink
  • Obsidian Cap: GD 5000, V10 drink

Stages of the Fungal Metal Process[]

  • Fungal Silver is made from green and silver caps
  • Fungal Gold is made from fungal silver, obsidian caps and mutant bonemold
  • Fungal Steel is made from fungal gold and morphling bonemold
  • Silksteel is made from fungal steel and divine bonemold

Other related reactions[]

  • Green caps can be turned into fungal wood
  • Green caps can be combined with mutant bonemold to make fungal brass
  • Fungal garnets can be created from fungal brass using crystal berries
  • Floral quartz can be created from crystal berries
  • Star beast "flest" globs can be turned into light boulders.